A silent, mental health epidemic is unfolding in secondary schools – right now.

Help us equip young people in secondary schools, with the knowledge, confidence and skills to recognise and address their own mental health needs.

We can only do this through your generosity and support… explore this page to find out ways you can give.

With your help…


contributes towards 100 student mental health guides distributed at training days


could train Change Makers on becoming Stigma Challengers in their school


could contribute to a whole-school mental health training day for students

Become a corporate sponsor

Your company can partner with Mind of the Student (MOTS) to help empower young people to talk about their mental health. Through your generosity, we can give the next generation a comprehensive toolkit which includes essential self-help skills to recognise and address their own mental health needs.

Email [email protected] to find out ways your company can support MOTS or download our corporate sponsorship booklet.

Fundraising Events

Back2School Dance-A-Thon (Sept 24)

More information to be released soon.

Blue Socks Day for MOTS (Dec 24)

Subject to change. Stay tuned!