MOTS was launched by Kieran and Jaylan who both struggled with mental health in school.

From year 10, Kieran started experiencing severe panic attacks and generalised anxiety, involving his academic performance and body image. Kieran began withdrawing from his friends and family, which left him feeling isolated and alone, as if no one truly understood how he felt.

Jaylan was a victim of cyber bullying in year 9 which led to her feeling depressed and hopeless. This created an almost unbearable experience for Jaylan between year 9 and 11, resulting in her bunking class and skipping school while sitting her GCSE exams.

Both Kieran and Jaylan’s friends did not know how to offer their support, while the school never provided practical advice or signpost them to professional help.

Kieran’s Story

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Finally, I was seen by a counsellor at secondary school; after many weeks of waiting, I received advice on my symptoms and took away great self-help tips, which I use during panic attack episodes.

Jaylan’s Story

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