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Mental Health eCourse for Parents: Pre-Development Consultation

Join our online Mental Health eCourse for Parents Pre-Development Consultation on October 25 and help us shape this exciting new recourse.

MOTS is aiming to deliver a 360 educational approach on mental health, which includes supporting students, parents and teachers.

Hosting a pre-development meeting with parents is a crucial step in ensuring that our Mental Health eCourse meets your needs and expectations, to better support you and your children at home.

MOTS wants to involve parents from the very beginning and incorporate your feedback, during the pre-development stage of this new course. We want to addresses your needs and concerns regarding the mental health of your children. This collaborative approach will enhance the course’s effectiveness and relevance once released in early 2024.

This consulation will be held online via Microsoft Teams. Please ensure you have a working webcam, microphone and WiFi before registering.

Before the consultation:

Please complete all relevent questionnaires before attending the consultation, as this initial feedback will help shape direction, during the meeting.

At the consultation:

  • Introduction to Mind of the Student and what we do
  • Share preliminary ideas about the course modules and format
  • Feedback on pre-consultation questionnaire
  • Open discussion with parents identifying course needs and objectives
  • Q&A and closing remarks.

After the consultation

MOTS will remain engaged with you throughout the programme development stages and ensure your feedback is incorporated into the course.

Sign up here: Mental Health eCourse for Parents: Pre-Development Consultation Tickets, Wed 25 Oct 2023 at 18:00 | Eventbrite