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Partnership with Hemraj Goyal Foundation and Working Options announced

Mind of the Student are thrilled to announce an exciting partnership between Hemraj Goyal Foundation (HGF) and Working Options (WO).

HGF worked with Mind of the Student (MOTS) (previously WYO Educate) in 2017 who helped fund their pilot mental health school workshop program.

After a successful pitch to the foundation in December 2022, MOTS can announce a continuation of support from HGF throughout 2023.

HGF will be supporting schools in disadvantaged areas covering the workshop fee, expanding reach for the charity and educating more students on mental health.

HGF’s vision is to make a big and lasting difference for disadvantaged communities, both in the UK and India, by providing financial and human resources support.

Anita Goyal MBE, chair of the Hemraj Goyal Foundation, said:

“We are delighted to be working with Mind of the Student to enable more schools in disadvantaged communities to access their pioneering mental health workshops. Secondary school students regularly report that mental health issues are their biggest concern. With MOTS, the Hemraj Goyal Foundation offers schools positive ways for young people to cope with these issues and promote life-changing, positive mindsets.”

From January 2023, Working Options in Education will become Mind of the Student’s official delivery partner liaising with schools and supporting the charity with incoming mental health workshop bookings.

Sue Maskrey, Chief Executive of Working Options in Education, said:

“At a time where even more students need help with their mental health and wellbeing, following on from the impact of the pandemic, we’re proud to be supporting Mind of the Student in taking their vital work directly to where it is needed – in classrooms.”

Working Options in Education is an employability and life skills charity that has been helping young people to aim high and fulfil their potential since 2010. To find out more about them, visit their website.

Chief Operating Officer at Mind of the Student commented on the new partnership:

“We are incredibly excited about this new partnership with HGF and WO. This partnership will allow Mind of the Student to reach more students, educating them on the important subject of mental health. There is a clear collaborative passion for our cause, amongst HGF and WO. The team at MOTS are really looking forward to working together, going forward!”

According to recent data, 62% of young people received no support from school for their mental health well-being and 68% of young people reported being absent from school due to their mental health.

Mind of the Student aims to tackle these figures through educational workshops on mental health, learning resources for teachers and training.

The charity will aim to reach over 50 schools across 2023.

If you are interested in learning more about MOTS and keen to book a workshop for your students visit their website,