At EmpowerU, learning doesn’t stop when our sessions end! To build confidence, handle emotions, and understand yourself better, it helps to keep exploring these topics on your own.
Week 1: Understanding Emotions

Explore fun mindfulness exercises. Create conditions for restful sleep, and be kind to your mind like a Jedi.

Chill Panda
An app that allows children and young people to start to understand how their bodies respond to different feelings.

Apart of Me
Offers bereaved young people a safe, creative space to express their grief and learn how to support themselves.
Week 2: Being Safe Online

An adventure-packed game that teaches children the fundamentals of online safety and digital citizenship.

Band Runner
An interactive game that educates children on the five rules of internet safety through engaging scenarios.

Space Shelter
Space Shelter, the new game by Google! Learn how to surf safe the web with this new Space Game!
Week 3: Bullying and Peer Support

Take it to the Top
Are you ready to Stand Up to Bullying in this special edition of the Take it to the Top game?

ChildLine Support
Bullying can happen anywhere and be about anything. Read about different types of bullying and how to get help.

Kidscape Resources
No matter what, there is never an excuse for bullying, and you are not to blame. Check out KidScape’s free resources.
Week 4: Self-Care Practices

Self-care Techniques
In this section, you’ll find practical ways to look after your mental health, allowing you to choose what works best for you.

A free Headspace series on mindfulness, meditation and other relaxation techniques to regulate emotions.

Get Creative
Art can be a great way to express yourself or let out difficult feelings. Try our ideas to help you get started.
Week 5: Making Healthier Choices

Get Moving with Marvel
From fun 10 Minute Shake Up games to information about active hobbies and sports, check this great resource out now.

NHS Better Health
Discover healthy recipes, food swaps, nutritional advice, and top tips and activities to help you stay healthy.

Download a Sleep Diary
If you’re having trouble sleeping and can’t understand why, keep a Sleep Diary to help identify what’s keeping you awake.
Week 6: Building Resilience

Free Online Resources
Resilience is a necessary skill for coping with the ups and downs of life and one of the key ingredients of success.

SPARX Resilience Game
SPARX’s e-therapy game is designed to help you overcome depression and build resilience. Try it now.

The Mooderators
Feel the music and your feelings with this twosome of motion and EMOTION! Explore a range of interactive videos.
More cool stuff here…

Feedback Forms
We kindly ask for your feedback, as you complete every session week by week. Please click the below links to access the correct feedback form:
Week 1: Understanding Emotions
Week 3: Bullying and Peer Support

Headspace Subscription
All participants who complete the EmpowerU 6-Week Programme will receive a one-year subscription to Headspace, providing ongoing support for their mental well-being beyond the programme.
This subscription provides guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and mental health resources to support their ongoing well-being beyond the programme. By integrating Headspace, participants can reinforce the skills learned in EmpowerU, helping them build long-term resilience and manage stress effectively.