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Charity visit Paddington Academy

Students from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 at the `outstanding’ Ofsted-rated school in North West London took part in 60-minute mental health awareness workshops.

The sessions included self-help tips on how to manage symptoms of depression, anxiety and exam stress. They were delivered by Mind of the Student.

CEO of the program, Kieran Goodwin says “Mind of the Student is a great option for schools who strive to better their students mental health and well-being. The program has been put together by a range of professionals including doctors, teachers and business leaders which really makes us a unique program having being shaped by so many.”

The charity believes good mental health while being in education can improve future outcomes for students in later life including at work.

Year 7 student Noah, said that “[Mind of the Student] taught us about mental health and where to get help if needed. You have taught me how social media can affect somebody’s mental health and that I should take breaks from it if I feel overwhelmed. Thank you for everything you taught us!”

If you would like Mind of the Student to come to your school, then please head onto their website and complete a booking form.

Notes to Editors

  • One in seven children of secondary school age (11 to 16 year olds) have a diagnosable mental health disorder (2019).
  • 68 per cent of young people reported being absent from school due to their mental health (2021)
  • 62 per cent of young people received no support from school for their mental health.
  • One in four school staff (25 per cent) were aware of a student being excluded from school because of their mental health.
  • Mind of the Student have educated over 3000 young people on mental health awareness during it’s pilot program.
  • Mind of the Student is a registered charity operating in London, Essex and South East England.