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Back to School with Mind of the Student

Most schools in England and Wales have now returned from the summer holidays which marks the start of a new academic year.

Mind of the Student is a registered charity, working directly with schools to improve their mental health provision through workshops and free online resources including lesson plans.

Our mental health workshops are free too, and appropriate for all year groups in key stage 3 and 4. The workshops h highlight depression, anxiety, social media and exam stress, with each topic including self-help tips, group activities and sign-posting to services in/outside of school.

Last year, Mind of the Student educated over 14,000 students on mental health with fantastic feedback.

  • 84% of students feel confident to talk with friends and family about their mental health (25.1% increase)
  • 90% of students now know who to contact for professional mental health support (84.4% increase)
  • 67% of students feel confident in calming themselves during emotional distress (37.3% increase)

If you are interested in booking a Mind of the Student workshop, please visit the below page.

The Workshop – Mind of the Student