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10K Run Or Walk For Mental Health Education

Take part in our 10K run or walk to support mental health education for young people.

[su_note note_color=”#feb8b8″ text_color=”#000000″ radius=”5″ class=”border: 0px !important;”]Sign up for our 10K run via Eventbrite here.[/su_note]

Suicide is the main cause of death in young people under the age of 35 in the UK.

Whether you are running for someone who has died by suicide or supporting those affected by mental health.

We believe that every young person deserves the right to receive mental health education and be given the tools to support themselves in crisis.

Mind of the Student works tirelessly to deliver the next generation with comprehensive mental health education, equipping young people with the tools necessary to build resilience and overcome exam stress, anxiety, depression and social media pressures while educating them on the services readily available, which can offer more advanced support both clinically and holistically.

During a Mind of the Student workshop, we encourage conversation on mental health, breaking down the stigma associated with the topic and allowing young people to feel more confident when talking about their feelings with friends and family.

10K Run or Walk For Mental Health

This run will be held in the heart of East London at Victoria Park on the 15th of July from 9am – 12pm.

This run is for all ages and can be completed at your own pace during the timeframe.

How to sign up?

This event has a £20 registration fee and a fundraising target of £300.

You can sign up via this Eventbrite page and purchase your space.

Mind of the Student can help you set up a Just Giving page to make it easy to fundraise and ensure you hit your target!

Proceeds raised will go to developing mental health education for young people.

What’s included…

  • Chip timed results
  • Unique themed medal
  • Water
  • Post-race snacks