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Mind of the Student visits Sydney Russell School

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Mind of the Student, a leading mental health charity, visited Sydney Russell School in Dagenham, Essex on 3rd October 2023 to conduct a vital mental health workshop for students. The workshop aimed to raise awareness about mental health issues and provide essential tools and resources to help young people cope with the challenges they might face.

The interactive workshop, designed by health care professionals, psychologists, teachers and students, focused on destigmatising mental health, promoting open conversations, and teaching coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns commonly experienced by students.

During the workshop, students engaged in discussions, activities, and exercises designed to foster empathy, understanding, and support among peers.

Mind of the Student firmly believes that early intervention and education are key to promoting mental well-being among young people. By visiting schools like Sydney Russell, the organisation aims to create a positive impact on the mental health of students, fostering an environment where they feel safe, supported, and understood.

“We are committed to equipping young people with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the complexities of mental health,” said Kieran Goodwin, Chief Executive at Mind of the Student. “Our workshops are designed to empower students to recognise their emotions, reach out for help, and support one another. By addressing mental health openly, we can break down the stigma surrounding it and create a more compassionate community.”

The Sydney Russell School expressed gratitude for the workshop, emphasising the importance of such initiatives in the overall development and well-being of their students. Feedback from teachers has been added below.

“The interaction between the students and the facilitators was amazing”

“Great facts and information shared to students. Some were shocked by the numbers.”

Mind of the Student continues to actively engage with schools, communities, and individuals, advocating for mental health awareness and providing valuable resources to those in need. For more information about Mind of the Student and its programmes, please visit

To book a FREE workshop for your school click here to find out more.

Workshop sponsor: The Hemraj Goyal Foundation